I’m Robert Naturman.
I’ve been an industry professional for thirty years, as a screenwriter, playwright, producer, director, development consultant, etc. I teach at two of the top five university screenwriting programs in the world.
Most of my time and experience has been as a script reader and story analyst, and about ten thousand scripts, novels, treatments later, I’ve got a pretty good idea what makes a good story and a good screenplay.
On the side, I’ve worked as a personal trainer, working mostly with actors and other creative professionals, and I realized that the motivational techniques and goal oriented ethos of physical training were exactly what I needed to boost my own creative process.
ScriptGym started as a way of helping myself achieve my creative goals, but I’ve since put the ideas into practice as a screenwriting professor at world-class film schools like USC and Chapman University, where SCRIPTGYM IS NOW PART OF THE CURRICULUM .
I want to help you achieve your goals, be they physical or creative, like I’ve achieved mine. Do you want to get Scripped?!
Click here to learn more.