Why ScriptGym?
So why ScriptGym?
If you plug “exercise book” into the search box at Amazon, you’ll come up with over 200,000 entries. Motivational books come in at 176,266. Screenwriting books, at least, are more manageable at only 11,531 entries. But, if you want to learn how to exercise, eat right, write screenplays, and motivate yourself all together, you would need to get through 600,000 different books on the subject, not to mention countless blog posts, tweets, Instagram posts, and the like.
There is no shortage of information out there, and it can be completely overwhelming to assimilate it all. That’s where ScriptGym comes in - our program takes all that information from those half a million-plus books and provides an innovative and comprehensive motivational approach to exercising your body and your creativity together, getting you and your writing into the best shape it can be… shape in only 30 days.
Are you seeking a way to unlock the hidden depths of your imagination? Do you find yourself stuck in a creative slump, desperately in need of inspiration? ScriptGym utilizes physical exercise to spark creativity…something the ancient Greeks like Plato did as well.
Join us on this exhilarating journey of ScriptGym as we tap into the immense power of the mind and body connection, and watch your creativity soar to new heights!
Unleashing your creative brilliance has never been more exhilarating and effortless. By incorporating physical exercise into your daily routine, you are unlocking a world of limitless possibilities. Step away from the confines of your desk, embrace the power of the mind-body connection, and watch your imagination flourish like never before. Don't wait for inspiration to strike; create it yourself , with SCRIPTGYM!
Wait a second - only 30 days?
That’s right.
If you take our class for five days a week over 30 days, you won’t just be in great shape physically, with strong motivational techniques to carry you and your writing forward for years to come; you’ll have a full feature-length screenplay to boot, one that’s been critiqued and shaped by a top Hollywood story analyst.
Our program is built upon five key tenets that will guide you through your writing process, from setting goals to keeping yourself motivated to finishing your completed screenplay.
The first step of the process - both in exercising and writing - is finding your inspiration. Setting goals and finding out your why are essential for keeping yourself motivated, and, of course, you need to know what story you’re going to be bringing to the page.
There are lots of ways to motivate yourself, some good, some not-so-good. I’m here to help you figure out which are going to work best for you, and encourage you along the way to make sure you’re making the most of our 30 days together.
A lot of people use the excuse “I don’t have time” to explain away why they’re not writing and why they’re not exercising. ScriptGym will help you find the time in your day to maintain your process and stay dedicated to your goals.
Getting a feature-length screenplay completed in 30 days might seem like an arduous task, but if you commit yourself to writing every day, maintaining your schedule and holding yourself accountable, it won’t seem all that difficult at all.
Finally, ScriptGym empowers you to take action in your life in a multitude of ways - by providing you with a motivating skillset and a feature screenplay, our program will serve as a springboard to achieving your personal and professional goals.